12 Tips to Help You Lose Weight Effectively

Welcome to AllIndiaevent. The percentage of fat in our body depends on 80% of the food we eat, and only on 20% of the amount of exercise we do.

One does not have to starve to lose weight by himself. All you need to do is eat the right food in the right amount. Therefore, here I share with you my 12 tips.

12 Tips to help you lose weight effectively.  

1. In India, we eat too many carbohydrates. When we eat carbohydrates more than what our body can utilize, it gets converted to fat.  But how do we know how many carbohydrates do have to eat to lose fat?  Well, it’s simple.  Just find out your weight in kilograms and add 10 to it.  These are roughly the number of carbohydrates that you should be eating per day.  For example, if my weight is 80 kg, then I should eat about 80 + 10 food, which is around 90 grams of carbohydrates to lose fat.  Now, you may ask how to calculate the number of carbohydrates that we are eating per day.  Well, there are a lot of free apps that will help you count your macros.  Some of the best are healthify me and myfitnesspal.  You can download them.  Or else google, you know google has answers to almost everything.  Now, when I say carbohydrates, I mean complex carbohydrates.  Complex carbohydrates are basically whole grains.  They are high in fiber and help in the reduction of fat.

2. Protein not only helps in muscle building but also reduction of fat.  When we eat protein, the body finds it difficult to break down protein. So, eating protein keeps us satiated for a longer period of time. And we do not crave other foods.  Moreover, protein is essential for the daily repair of the body, skin, and hair health.  So even if you are not working out, you need protein (in grams) equal to your weight in kilograms. For example, if my weight is 80 kg, then I should eat about 80 grams of protein every day. If I am exercising, I should eat twice.

3. I have seen people who stop eating healthy fats like almonds and peanut butter thinking that it will make them gain weight.  Well, that is not true.  Actually good fat cuts bad fat.  Moreover, the body needs a daily dose of essential fatty acids.  Therefore, make sure you eat 50-60 grams of healthy fats every day.

4. It is extremely helpful to cut the lower belly fat.  A raw vegetable salad may comprise of carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, beetroots, etc.  Just sprinkle lemon juice on it and it is good to go.  You can include it within half an hour before lunch, dinner, or both Trust me, you will be surprised to see it’s benefits.    

5. Dairy products are loaded with saturated fat.  Our body does not require more than 15-20 grams of saturated fat per day.  So, it is advisable to use low-fat versions of milk, curd, cottage cheese, and other dairy products.        

6. Since a long, we have been using too much oil for cooking.  When the oil is burned, it turns into bad fat. Using cooking sprays will greatly reduce your daily fat intake.  Zero-calorie cooking sprays are easily available on the market.  

7. Practice drinking 3 liters of water every day.  Make sure to drink water in between the meals and not with meals.  Drinking enough water keeps the metabolism up and promotes the reduction of fat.    

8. Well, some people may disagree but I believe in the studies which suggest that skipping breakfast makes you gain weight.  This is because when you skip breakfast, your body will crave food throughout the day. And you actually end up eating more food.  Not only this, skipping breakfast has other harmful effects on the body.  Therefore, I suggest that you don’t make breakfast too heavy and balanced, and don’t skip breakfast.    

9. Science has confirmed time and again that lack of proper rest can affect your waistline. Lack of sleep affects your brain in some way, causing your body to crave more food, but cannot process food efficiently.  So make sure you have a sound sleep of 7-8 hours daily.    

10. Regular exercise will speed up the fat loss process.  Therefore, try to reserve at least 30 minutes of exercise time in the morning or evening.  Weight training certainly helps, but your focus should be on aerobic exercise.

11. The only supplement that you may require is a whey protein isolate.  Whey protein is a milk-based protein.  It is safe and does not have any side effects.  The best time to have whey protein is post-workout with water.  However, if you do not exercise, you can still have whey protein.  Especially, if you are a vegetarian finding it difficult to complete your daily protein intake. There is no need to buy any fat burners.  In this regard I have shared a fat cutter drink recipe, make sure you add that into your diet.        

12. Well, all the points go for a toss if you are eating junk food regularly.  If he/she eats outside regularly, he/she cannot keep pace. This is because external foods contain sodium or sugar.  Where sodium leads to water retention, sugar is nothing but empty calories.  Once in a while is OK but make sure you eat most of the food cooked at home.  Even at home, you can use healthy alternatives to sugar and salt.  Like instead of using the normal salt, you can use black salt or rock salt.  You can fulfill your sugary cravings by having natural sweeteners like fruits, maple syrup, stevia, jaggery, raw honey, etc.  

So friends, please follow the following twelve tips, and I assure you that you will see your results.

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